So tonight I switched gears, and instead of using my older sucky digital camera, I gave my old sucky web camera a try. And, needless to say the results, while not perfect, are a little better. The size of the photos are small, but when I tried larger sizes I got excessive graininess that made the pictures harder to see.
So, here are 3 pictures of my 3 completed Ork Boyz. For the record, with the winter months upon us, and my camper in the garage, I have not enameled either Boy #2 or Boy #3 because my spray area is under the camper. As I have not enameled them, I have also not done anything in regards to adding flock or sand or anything to the bases.
Boy #1, my first attempt at miniature painting since my days playing D&D as a teenager. And the nearly 20 years since I last attempted this have been kind, because while my D&D miniatures sucked (to the point I don't even have them anymore, I'm more than pleased with this as my first attempt with a 40K miniature).
Boy #2 presented a new challenge to me, metal. I mean I worked with making something look metalic with Boy #1's gun, but this one had a sword. I opted to not mess with anything like blood spattering or battle damage, as I was more interested in making sure the sword looked decent.
Boy #3 featured the addition of blood spattering to the metallic axe-head. It doesn't show up clearly in the photo, but I was pleased.
And there we have some updated, and hopefully better quality photos of my 3 completed boys. I am currently working on my Shoota, and then I'm going to paint my Boss Zagstruk.
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